Tuesday, June 4, 2019

NEA - Statement of intent

Tuesday 4th June 2019

Statement of intent

Brief 1: An educational magazine made for 10-13 year olds.

 How you intend to use Media Language to target your intended audience
I intend to use Media Language to target my intended audience by using a different variety of camera shots in my magazine. This consists of close ups and extreme close ups mostly. The main target audience is 10-13 year olds and people that like Science (mainly biology to be specific.) This means that I have to use more simple language as I have to range from those age groups. I am also going to use colours that are typically associated with my product such as green and yellow. I am going to use a Abril Fatface font to write and using font size 13.9. I intend to use intertextuality to help people recognise the type of magazine I am creating.

  How you intend to use Media Representations that are appropriate to your intended audience
In my magazine I intend to make my background image more vibrant and green to get the best image of the leaf as possible. This is because colours attracts children which is my target audience. Also the green borders link to the leaf being green and increased the contrast to bring all the colour out. In addition, I have made my front cover 'busier' because children always like to see lots of different, big and bold pictures, colours and fonts and it attracts them towards them and that makes them interested.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

NEA - writing on word format

So you want to know on the structure of a leaf?                     
You have come to the right place to learn. The
First thing you have to know about is what the
Parts of the leaf are called:
-The petiole
-The Midrib
- The Blade
-The Vein
The Petiole is the end of the leaf which previously
Connected to the branch. The Midrib is the part
That flows through the middle of the leaf that sticks
Out. The veins spread out from this part and move to
Multiple locations in the leaf. The blade is the outside
Of the leaf.

Although this is the part of the leaf that we see, the inside
Of the leaf is far more complicated. This is an example of
How it looks:

-The inside of a leaf-

Many more parts aren’t there? The green that covers the entire
Image is called chlorophyll. This is a green pigment that fills the
Chloroplasts with all of its colour. The Stoma shows an air
Passage out and in so that the plant can respire and go
Through the photosynthesis process. The lower and upper
Epidermis are the two main layers of skin cells in the leaf.
They are made up of cells called squamous cells.
The mesophyll helps carbon dioxide travel around the
Leaf. Also, the spongy mesophyll helps make the leaf
Bend the way it does. It helps gases move around the
Leaf. Finally, the Wax Cuticle provides a protective
Film around the leaf which is what we see with our

Although the leaf looks like a simple piece of nature,
It has a of things that make the final product up
(Especially on the inside of the leaf.)

Full version on Word.


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

NEA - Schedule


NEA Brief 1
1.  Plan a template using a sheet of paper.
2. Take 5 photos which have a variety of shots.
3. Creating my logo using PS to use in the front cover. First design on paper.
4. Write titles and other cover lines using bold fonts. In word form.
5. Write an article in word for practice and product. In word form                           
6. Check for grammar and punctuation. 
7. Create front cover using PS after school
8. Edit the photos and use a professional and able to read font.
9. Use brightness and contrast on the photos
10. Use Gaussian blurs at parts of the photos to make others stand out, such as the leaf
11. Use a green border for the outlines of the magazine (as voted by the class)
12. Send final product to showbie for feedback
13. Download final product on a PNG so that it is better quality and so I can upload to blogger
14. End of the NEA brief

Not final product.
End product on Google Calendar.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

NEA - My brief

Brief 1: Production must include as a minimum:
Create a front cover and a double page spread
At least five original images (e.g. photographs, illustrations, art work).
Article for an informative educational magazine aimed at an audience of 10–13 year olds.
Front cover: Some found images are permitted in addition to the required minimum of five original images.
Original masthead/title.
Cover price, barcode, edition number.
 Original images: at least one main cover image.
 At least three cover lines one of which must link to the double page spread article.
 Double page spread article: Headline, stand-first and sub-headings.
Original images: one main article image and at least three other images.
Feature article of approximately 300 words that links to one of the cover lines on the front page.

NEA - Product Style Profile

Product Style Profile

In this task, I will be preparing different styles of product that I will want to eventually include in my end product of my NEA brief.

I have created a style sketch on a sheet of paper and uploaded it to showbie.


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

NEA - Audience Profile ( My audience)

Tuesday 26th March 2019

NEA Part 4 - Audience Profile

Learning Objectives:

K: about audience segmentation.
U: how audience segmentation effects media products.
BAT: conduct research and create an audience profile for your individual product.
CO: Use media terminology throughout.
Audiences can be categorised in race, gender, age, lifestyle (upper class, middle class) and religion.

It is important to categorise audiences so that they can make their media product the best they can by using relateable subjects in their category.

An educational magazine made for 10-13 year olds.

I understand that I will have to use more informal language towards my approach in my coursework. This is so that my audience will understand the context of my magazine and will be able to relate to it easier.
Survey Monkey Data:

NEA - My Final NEA Magazine