So you want to know on the structure of a leaf?
You have come to the right place to learn. The
First thing you have to know about is what the
Parts of the leaf are called:
-The petiole
-The Midrib
- The Blade
-The Vein
The Petiole is the end of the leaf which previously
Connected to the branch. The Midrib is the part
That flows through the middle of the leaf that sticks
Out. The veins spread out from this part and move to
Multiple locations in the leaf. The blade is the outside
Of the leaf.
Although this is the part of the leaf that we see, the
How it looks:
-The inside of a leaf-
Many more parts aren’t there? The green that covers the
Image is called chlorophyll. This is a green pigment that
fills the
Chloroplasts with all of its colour. The Stoma shows an air
Passage out and in so that the plant can respire and go
Through the photosynthesis process. The lower and upper
Epidermis are the two main layers of skin cells in the leaf.
They are made up of cells called squamous cells.
The mesophyll helps carbon dioxide travel around the
Leaf. Also, the spongy mesophyll helps make the leaf
Bend the way it does. It helps gases move around the
Leaf. Finally, the Wax Cuticle provides a protective
Although the leaf looks like a simple piece of nature,
It has a of things that make the final product up
(Especially on the inside of the leaf.)
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