Tuesday, June 4, 2019

NEA - Statement of intent

Tuesday 4th June 2019

Statement of intent

Brief 1: An educational magazine made for 10-13 year olds.

 How you intend to use Media Language to target your intended audience
I intend to use Media Language to target my intended audience by using a different variety of camera shots in my magazine. This consists of close ups and extreme close ups mostly. The main target audience is 10-13 year olds and people that like Science (mainly biology to be specific.) This means that I have to use more simple language as I have to range from those age groups. I am also going to use colours that are typically associated with my product such as green and yellow. I am going to use a Abril Fatface font to write and using font size 13.9. I intend to use intertextuality to help people recognise the type of magazine I am creating.

  How you intend to use Media Representations that are appropriate to your intended audience
In my magazine I intend to make my background image more vibrant and green to get the best image of the leaf as possible. This is because colours attracts children which is my target audience. Also the green borders link to the leaf being green and increased the contrast to bring all the colour out. In addition, I have made my front cover 'busier' because children always like to see lots of different, big and bold pictures, colours and fonts and it attracts them towards them and that makes them interested.

NEA - My Final NEA Magazine